【雙語】你好!中國| 有一種叫雲南的生活

【雙語】你好!中國| 有一種叫雲南的生活

【雙語】你好!中國| 有一種叫雲南的生活

 Nihao! China 文旅中國 2023-12-25  

說起雲南,就不能只說她的風花雪月。When talking about Yunnan, one cannot only mention its scenic beauty.

來自太平洋和印度洋的季風在此交會,雲南雲海蒸騰,四季如春。有千萬水流匯聚成大江大河,氣勢磅礴,濤聲震天,在連綿的群山中開闢出中國最壯觀的高山峽谷群。雲南多樣的地形讓穿越古今的生靈在此處相遇,生物多樣性因此更加豐富。Here, monsoons from the Pacific and Indian Oceans converge, creating ethereal clouds and making Yunnan spring-like throughout the year. Countless watercourses converge into great rivers, creating magnificent landscapes amidst converge into great rivers, creating magnificent landscapes amidst converge, amidst continuous object 區terrain brings together beings from different eras, largely enhancing biodiversity.

大理的蒼山和洱海,像是永不分割的一對,在這裡,古老的建築和純淨的藍天交相輝映。在麗江,時間彷彿靜止,古城和玉龍雪山靜靜地佇立,流水中摻進了花的氣息。在香格里拉你會感受到東方世界獨特的寧靜,雪山蕩滌搖擺的心靈…In Dali, the Cangshan Mountains and Erhai Lake seem inseparable, with ancient architecture harmonizing with the pure blue sky. In Lijiang, time seems to stand still; the ancient city and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain stand silently, and the scentumently, and the scenters flowers water. In Shangri-La, you will feel the unique tranquility of the Eastern world, as snow-capped mountains cleanse swaying souls.

雲南,每一步都是詩,每一景都是畫,有一種叫雲南的生活,自然與人文相融,令人心馳神往。In Yunnan, every step is poetry, and every scene is a painting. There’s a life called Yunnan, where nature and culture blend, captivating the imagination.