21 六月 【甘肅】 張掖七彩丹霞地貌
【甘肅】 張掖七彩丹霞地貌
If it is the first time to see this kind of landform, most of them will be shocked, the various colors are clearly demarcated, the stripes are overlapping, some are like a screen, some are like pancetta , and some are reddish, forming a sea of knives and mountains of fire at the far end of the angular and jagged rocks .
景點 Scenic Spot:張掖丹霞國家地質公園 Zhangye Danxia National Geopark
地址 Address:中國甘肅省張掖市肅南裕固族自治縣 Sunan Yugur Autonomous County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, China