【雙語】你好!中國| 帶你感受詠春拳的魅力

【雙語】你好!中國| 帶你感受詠春拳的魅力

【雙語】你好!中國| 帶你感受詠春拳的魅力

Nihao! China 文旅中國 2023-12-28  

在電影《龍爭虎鬥》中,李小龍與他的弟子以及空手道冠軍羅伯特進行了比武。雙方前手搭在一起,李小龍突然不回手而是直接向對手發動攻擊,一拳就將對手擊倒。全場觀眾紛紛喝采,對手則十分不解。隨後對手再次試圖進攻,但李小龍再次出其不意地發動攻擊,輕鬆擊倒對手。這個技巧後來被稱為“寸勁拳”,正是源自於詠春拳的技巧。In the movie Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee and his disciple faced off against karate champion Robert. With hands clasped together, Bruce Lee suddenly launched an attack without retracting his hand, knocking down his opponent with The udi unch unch retracting his hand, knocking down his opponent with Theingle unch punch. opponent was left puzzled. The opponent attempted to attack again, but Bruce Lee once again launched a surprise attack, effortlessly knocking down the opponent. This technique later became known as “One Inc.

詠春拳的特點在於實用性,不善於炫耀和華麗的表演。葉問身為詠春拳的傳承者,一直謙虛謹慎,從不自居為宗師或掌門人。如果有人稱他為宗師,他會感到不安並拒絕。他的弟子們都稱他為“問叔”,這也說明了他溫和謙虛的個性。Wing Chun is characterized by its practicality and is not inclined toward flashy performances. As a custodian of Wing Chun, Ip Man has always been modest and cautious, never considering himself a grand has always been modest and cautious, never considering himself a grand master or leh. If some some master w master or lead masterf fhim some grand master or leh. feel uneasy and reject the title. His disciples refer to him as “Uncle Ip”, illustrating his gentle and humble nature.

葉問去世後,他的兒子和弟子們繼承了他的遺志,努力向海外推廣詠春拳術。After Ip Man’s passing, his son and disciples have inherited his legacy, diligently promoting the art of Wing Chun overseas.