



西遞村位於安徽省黃山市黟縣,是徽州古村落的典型代表,是徽文化的主要發源地之一,也是徽州儒商文化的活態標本。這里山環水繞景色宜人,村落農田錯落有致,宛如寧靜祥和的世外桃源。 2021年,安徽西遞村入選首批聯合國世界旅遊組織「最佳旅遊鄉村」。作為世界文化遺產地、中國國家5A級景區和世界最佳旅遊鄉村,西遞村積極發展鄉村旅遊、大力發展集體經濟、完善村莊基礎設施、培養髮揚村莊文化,讓村民充分享受到了鄉村振興的發展成果。

Xidi Village, a typical ancient Huizhou village, is located in Yixian County, Huangshan City, Anhui. It is one of the main birthplaces of ancient Huizhou culture and a living specimen of Confucian merchant culture of ancient Huizhou. Surrounded by mountains and waters, it boasts pleasant scenery and exquisitely scattered houses and farmlands and is just like a tranquil and peaceful paradise. In 2021, Xidi Village was selected as one of the first “Best Tourist Villages” by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). As a world heritage site, a National AAAAA Scenic Spot in China and one of the Best Tourist Villages in the world, it has actively and vigorously developed rural tourism and collective economy, improved rural infrastructure, and cultivated and promoted village culture, so that local people here can fully enjoy the achievements of rural revitalization.




Located in Yi County, Anhui Province, Xidi Village was originally built in the Northern Song dynasty, and flourished in the early Qing dynasty after the development in the middle Ming dynasty. It is a typical ancient Huizhou village and one of the main birthplaces of Huizhou culture. The village street system is mainly built eastward and extended from north to south, with a vertical street and two roads along the stream as the trunk lines. All streets and alleys are paved with bluestone which was from Yi County. Most of the ancient buildings are renovated with wooden structures and brick walls, and the woods, stones and brick carvings vary. The alleys and buildings are coordinated in the design and layout. The village space changes flexibly and the architectural style is simple and elegant, which is typical in architectural art of ancient Huizhou in China. With a profound cultural connotation, Xidi Village is well-known for its two national intangible cultural heritages, that is, wood, stone and brick carvings and traditional dwelling building techniques of ancient Huizhou.




Liqiao Village, located in Yi’an District, Tongling, Anhui, fully shows the original appearance of an ancient village. People and the nature coexist in harmony in the clean and pleasant environment. Liqiao water town displays folk culture and enriches traditional technologies and arts by replicating ancient architectural complexes from the Ming and Qing dynasties. There are six major tourist activities in Liqiao Village, including watching the night view, listening to Anhui opera and tasting delicious food. Tourists will always linger on in the bright and colorful night. Rural revitalization is also enabled by local people here in two pastoral art seasons, and art is integrated into the beautiful countryside in the forms of traditional Chinese opera, music, poetry, feast and outdoor theater in rice field, public art creation, boutique homestay renovation, water art gallery, art library, lakeside coffee shop, immersion experience halls for playing games, intangible cultural heritage workshops and artist residencies. Now Liqiao Village has become a well-known rural cultural tourism brand IP.




Baimahu Village, located in Jinhu County, Huai’an, Jiangsu, abounds in special aquatic products such as crabs, soft-shelled turtles and green shrimps in more than 30,000 mu of water area. It is well-known as the “Pearl on the Water” for tens of thousands of tons of green ecological food. Here tourists can be intoxicated with a perfect combination of water culture and lake and island scenery. With the help of water resources, tourism resources and lake culture in the village, now local people have achieved rural revitalization in the thriving industry of innovative models such as “ecological food + tourism”, “folk customs + tourism”, and “e-commerce + tourism”, enabling their own wealth and strength through tourism.




Shushan Village is located in the west of Tong’an Town, Huqiu District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, and surrounded by clear waters and lush Yangshan Mountain and Jilong Mountain. The farmland of more than 1,050 mu has become a sightseeing orchard of high-tech “Cuiguan” pears. There is also more than 4,700 mu of mountainous area, including more than 2,000 mu, 800 mu and 300 mu for waxberry, tea trees and bamboo shoots, respectively. Therefore, Shushan Village is also famous for tea, bayberry and “Cuiguan” pears in China. In addition, there are also profound historical and cultural heritage, numerous cultural relics and historic sites, especially the strange peaks, rocks and caves as well as stone carvings of Dashi Mountain. It is undoubtedly a beautiful and natural scenic spot!




Yucun Village, at the northern foot of Tianmu Mountain, is located to the west of the government of Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China, and named after the remnants of Tianmu Mountain which serve as its back areas. Here, we can see a thousand-year-old ancient Longqing Temple built in the early Five Dynasties, a thousand-year-old tree known as the “King of Ginkgo in the Regions South of the Yangtze River”, and a hundred-year-old Chinese giant salamander known as a “living fossil”. Yucun Village has closed the mines in the past decade to restore the ecology and vigorously develop rural tourism. There is green and clean water in the Longtan Spring to the west of the mine site. The rural greenways and bamboo trails are traversed at the foot of lush hills. The villagers here have successfully transformed ecological resources into economic development, achieving both ecological conservation and improvement of people’s livelihood.



安吉餘村是習近平總書記「綠水青山就是金山銀山」理念的誕生地。其地理優勢明顯,業態資源豐富。 2021年,安吉縣按照浙江省未來鄉村創建行動部署要求,聚焦「一統三化九場景」創建目標,落實餘村未來鄉村的創建示範工作;推動公共設施、便民服務、智慧平台等場景的全面建設。 2022年,餘村被列入全省第二批未來鄉村建設試點村。餘村勇當綠色低碳發展的探路者,加快建設共同富裕綠色樣本重大使命,以綠色經驗賦能綠色發展,致力於創建樂遊型未來鄉村。

Yucun Village, located in Anji County, Huzhou, Zhejiang, is the birthplace of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s concept that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”. It boasts obvious geographical advantages and abundant business resources. In 2021, Anji County put into practice the demonstration of future village creation of Yucun Village, and promoted the comprehensive construction of public facilities, convenience services, smart platforms and other scenarios, focusing on the goal of “adhering to the leadership of party building, taking ‘people-oriented, ecological and digital’ as the value orientation, and harmonious co-governance, green intensification and wisdom sharing as the basic connotations, in order to build nine major scenarios of neighborhood, education, health, entrepreneurship, construction, transportation, low-carbon, service and governance and create a new urban functional unit with a sense of belonging, comfort and future”, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Zhejiang Province on future village creation. In 2022, Yucun Village is included in the second batch of pilot villages for future rural construction in Zhejiang. As a pathfinder of green and low-carbon development, Yucun Village advances the major mission of building a green model of common prosperity, empowers green development with green experience, and is committed to creating a future village that attracts a large quantity of tourists.



田舖大塆位於河南省新縣東南部,地處大別山腹地,是國家AAA級旅遊景區、全國鄉村旅遊重點村、省級美麗鄉村建設試點。近年來田舖大塆立足「全域旅遊 全景田鋪」發展定位,堅持不挖山、不填塘、不砍樹,最大程度地保留村莊歷史風貌。按照「一院一主題,一房一文化,一店一特色」的思路,盤活閒置民居,「復活」老舊村莊,傳承優秀農耕文明,真正做到望得見山,看得見水。使得田舖大塆從以前無人問津的「窮窩窩」,變身成為「最美鄉村」網紅打卡地。

In the heart of the Dabie Mountains, Tianpu Dawan is located in the southeast of Xinxian County, Xinyang, Henan. It is a national AAA tourist attraction, a national key rural tourism village, and a provincial pilot beautiful village. Recently people here have preserved the historical features of the village to the greatest extent, relying on the development orientation of “tourism development throughout Tianpu Dawan” and insisting on no digging of mountains, filling of ponds and lumbering. In accordance with the idea of “a theme for one courtyard, a culture for one house, and a feature for one shop”, people here have revitalized idle dwellings and old villages and inherited excellent farming heritage, so as to build the beautiful scenery of mountains and waters. Now Tianpu Dawan has become a popular attraction spot from an obscure little mountain village.



下黨鄉隸屬於福建省寧德市壽寧縣,地處壽寧縣西部。這裡青山巍峨,萬木蔥蘢,生機盎然。這里古橋流水,遊客如織。其中最負盛名的屬鸞峰橋,它建造於清嘉慶五年,是壽寧木拱廊橋中最為壯觀的一座。習近平總書記曾「三進下黨」指導發展,對下黨進行精準扶貧,明確「大下黨」鄉村振興新思路;圍繞「一村一品」,策劃實施了幾十個農業產業和旅遊開發項目,以「下黨的力道」打造「下鄉的味道」,逐步叫響「清新福建 難忘下黨」旅遊品牌。

Xiadang Town is located in the west of Shouning County, Ningde, Fujian, China. It is full of vitality with towering mountains, lush trees, ancient bridges and flowing water as well as an endless stream of tourists. The most famous is the Luanfeng Bridge, which was built in the Qing Dynasty and is the most spectacular one among all wooden arch bridges in Shouning County. General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Xiadang Town three times to guide its development, practice targeted poverty alleviation, and clarify the new idea for its rural revitalization. With the focus on the idea of “building a dominant product or industry for a village”, dozens of agricultural industry and tourism development projects were planned and implemented, in order to gradually create “the rural features” with “the strength of Xiadang Town” and the tourism brand of “Fresh Fujian Province and Unforgettable Xiadang Town”.



塔格拉克村位於新疆阿克蘇地區溫宿縣柯柯牙鎮,地處天山第一峰托木爾峰腳下。這裡綿綿青山與淙淙綠水相映,各類景點與村舍棧道相連,構成了一幅具有煙火氣息的「油彩畫」。 2019年起,塔格拉克村結合雪山、冰川、草原、森林、峽谷等多元獨特的資源禀賦,煥發鄉村旅遊核心吸引力,激活鄉村振興造血能力;不斷增設的旅遊項目讓空曠的山谷和草原更有生機、更顯靈氣;成功塔格拉克村成功打造成為「歸園田居•塔村」、「南疆第一村」鄉村旅遊網紅品牌。

Taglak Village, at the foot of Tomur Peak of the Tianshan Mountains, is located in Kekeya Town, Wensu County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The lush mountains and the lucid waters contrast with each other, and various scenic spots are connected with the village plank roads, which forms a vivid “oil painting”. Since 2019, local people here have been rejuvenating the core attraction of rural tourism and activating the rural revitalization capacity, on the basis of their diverse and unique resource endowments such as snow-capped mountains, glaciers, grasslands, forests and canyons. More and more tourism projects have increased the vitality and ethereal charm of empty valleys and grasslands, and successfully built the village into the Internet celebrity brands of “Returning to Nature at Ta Village” and “the First Village in the South of Xinjiang” for rural tourism.



塔拉特村位於新疆維吾爾自治區阿勒泰地區富蘊縣可可託海鎮。村內自然生態豐富,景觀風貌突出,民俗文化底蘊深厚,是一個以哈薩克族為聚居主體的農牧業村;享有「額河第一村」的美譽。 2016年8月,塔拉特村被國家農業部確定為「一村一品示範村」;被自治區民委確定為特色村鎮。近年來塔拉特村以AAA級景區創建為抓手,進一步完善了道路、遊客服務中心、旅遊公測、停車場、導示牌、村舍等基礎設施建設,圍繞旅遊業推動農村產業結構調整。

Talat Village is located in Keketuohai Town, Fuyun County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. It is an agricultural and animal husbandry village occupied mainly by Kazakh ethnic group, which is rich in natural ecosystems, prominent in landscape features, profound in folk culture, and well-known as the “First Village along the Erqisi River”. In August 2016, Talat Village was identified as the demonstration village for “A Dominant Product or Industry for One Village” by the Ministry of Agriculture of China, and as a characteristic village by the Ethnic Affairs Commission of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. With the creation of AAA scenic spots as the starting point, local villagers have further improved the infrastructure such as roads, tourist service centers, public toilets, parking lots, guide signs and cottages, in order to promote the adjustment of rural industrial structure centering on tourism.